Site information
Why this site?
Most electronic designers are nowadays familiar with advanced technologies like microcontrollers or basic programmable devices, but FPGAs are not yet commonly used.Well, that's a mistake.
FPGAs are powerful programmable logic integrated circuits
FPGAs are wonderful devices to design digital logic with.You can design a circuit on your computer and have it running on your desk in minutes.
FPGAs have long been expensive and hard to use. But things change. Nowadays FPGA vendors offer quality software for free, low cost parts, and lots of online help.
FPGAs are fun!
They are the 21st century electronic adventure.
What can you find on this site?
You can find information pages, as well as FPGA projects to build with an FPGA board.The FPGA projects use a language called Verilog, which you need to learn to be able to understand the projects. But with the examples shown here and the online resources otherwise available, it's not too hard.
Who am I?
My name is Jean P. Nicolle. This site reflects my experience and my opinions on FPGA technology. It is meant to be informative and useful to anybody interested in learning FPGA technology. I've had the chance to work with FPGA technology since 1997 and never stopped ever since. I believe this is wonderful technology, but can be intimidating, and that a helping hand is useful to get started.Feel free to send me a note at jean@fpga4fun.com
Commercial site
We now also run a commercial site selling electronic development products (FPGA oriented of course).Check it out at knjn.com
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