CryptoURANUS Economics: Address: Cryptocurrency


Monday, April 26, 2021

Address: Cryptocurrency

Address: Cryptocurrency

 Address defined is when working with cryptocurrencies, an address is a unique alphanumeric identifier that is used to receive payments.

It can be shared with other users in the same way an e-mail address would be shared. Addresses can also be transformed into the QR code format, so it can be scanned by a mobile device or another camera.

The QR code can (potentially) contain other information as well, such as transaction amount and a message.

In public blockchains, such as Bitcoin, it is possible to see all transactions that have been made on a particular address by looking into a blockchain explorer.

NoteClick here to see what an address and its history looks like in a blockchain explorer.

See also: Change address, Transaction, QR code, Address reuse, Address replacement (basic) - Public key, Private key (advanced) 

 To understand how transactions work on basic technical level, check blog post Types of Bitcoin transactions: Part I, Part 2.

More detailed description can be found in Bitcoin Wiki or in Developer guide.
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