CryptoURANUS Economics


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lightning-Network: Cryptocurrency

Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is an off-chain approach for solving Bitcoin scalability issues.

It is a proposed implementation, "Hashed Timelock Contracts" (HTLCs), with bi-directional payment channels which allows payments to be securely routed across multiple peer-to-peer payment channels.

This architecture of payment channels permits network formation within any peer on the network that can pay any other peer even if they do not directly have a channel open between each other which speeds up process quickly.

A prerequisite for Lightning network is enabling SegWit which solved the malleability issue (BIP141 - Segregated Witness - Consensus layer: This BIP enabled SegWit as a soft-fork in Bitcoin.

It is also prerequisite for Lightning network as it solves malleability issue of pre-segwit transaction types.

In particular, BIP141 defines the following new transaction type: P2WPKH, P2WPKH-in-P2SH, P2WSH, P2WSH-in-P2SH, where only the first two types are currently supported in Trezor.  See also: BIP141 source).

Key features of the Lightning network are:
  • Rapid payments
  • No third-party trust
  • Reduced blockchain load
  • Channels can stay open indefinitely
  • Rapid cooperative closes
  • Outsourceable enforcement
  • Onion-style routing
  • Securely cross blockchains
  • Multisignature capable
  • Sub-satoshi payments
  • Single-funded channels
Further Reading Click Here: CLiCK!